Custom LED: The American Dream Success Story
Motorcycle Integrated LED Tail Lights – The “Custom LED” Way.
Custom LED is a pioneer in the art of motorcycle LED tail light integration.

Custom LED started back in 2001, when I purchased my first motorcycle. It was a 1999 Yamaha YZF-R6 with a eurotail undertail kit on the back.
This kit provided a stylish alternative to the factory Yamaha YZF-R6 tail light and blinker setup. The undertail had a brake light and two small turn signal lamps mounted directly to it. This was long before the “integrated” LED tail light was born! Heck, the OEM tail lights were still incandescent light bulbs at this time!
To make a long story short, I was not satisfied with the visibility of the aftermarket tail light setup, and I feared that I was going to be rear-ended by a vehicle behind me. Being somewhat of an electrical savant my whole life, I set out to Radio Shack to try to spruce up the tail light with LEDs. I ended up making a custom circuit board that held 100+ LEDs on it, that fit perfectly within the aftermarket undertail. Needless to say, the self-made 100+ LED tail light was far brighter than the OEM tail light, or any other aftermarket tail lights available at that time!
Since the 1999 R6 was such a popular motorcycle (the first “real” super-sport bike according to many), my design started a fury online on motorcycle forums. Pretty soon I was hand-building my LED retrofit kits each night, after coming home from my full-time engineering job. The demand grew, and so did Custom LED!
Fast forward to the present, and Custom LED is still owned and operated by me, the same motorcycle enthusiast, and electrical genius that started it all! If you pick up the phone to call Custom LED at 201-477-0031, I will answer the phone myself – every time. If you email Custom LED at, I will answer the email myself! It’s really a boutique operation with a top priority on quality, performance, value, and customer service. Give Custom LED a chance to wow you with our products, as we have done so many others.
I urge you to consider trying a genuine Made in the USA product for yourself, made by Custom LED. If you have never heard of Custom LEDs Integrated Motorcycle Tail Lights before, do some research for yourself. Our tail lights are world-renowned for being the best and brightest available. If you need help getting started with your research, please read our design philosophy and customer reviews to get you started! And don’t forget about our Satisfaction Guarantee, and best-in-business warranty!